Monday 7 March 2011

How has online media changed consumer behaviour and audience response over time?

Online Media has changed consumer behaviour by giving an audience a wide choice of products to consume. An example includes the large amount of television available through sponsoredsites, eg BBC iplayer or 4OD. The constant change happening in the internet also alters audeince expectations of how the media is delivered to them. For example, bbc iplayer has no advertisements while 4OD does, and this alters the popularity of these sites since audiences expect constant improvement.

The change in media consumption from the web 1.0 model to the web 2.0 model has also greatly altered the nature of an audiences media consumption. For example, in the web 1.0 model audiences were generally passive in their consumption while in the web 2.0 model, audiences choose which media they consume depending upon personal prefereance. This creates audience expectations, since it is generally accepted that one can consume any type of media one wishes to.

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