Monday 31 January 2011

Illegal downloads

What is the role of the Copyright and Trade Marks Act (2002)?
currently protects copyrighted materials, it ammended the copyright designs and patents act 1988.

What is the role of OFCOM?
OFCOM regulate what is broadcast and make sure that content is suitable to viewers. If a viewer is upset with something they have seen then it is possible to write to ofcom and complain.

How do you think downloading TV programs and films for free have affected the TV and film industries?
Illegal downloads have affected tv and film industries in that they are not as profitable as they could be and all their creative productions are effectively being viewed for free.

Do you agree with the new copyright proposal downloading set out by OFCOM? Why?
Although i agree with the principal behind the new proposal i believe that people will always find ways around the law and this will encourage a new way to brake it.

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