Tuesday 25 January 2011

Post modernism

To what extent would you say that online film reviews are post modern?

Online reviews are intertextual in the way that the internet is used in conjuction with another media text(films) to analyse and review the films for audience. The film review either persuades or opposes you to want to watch a certain film, so they can be either positive or negative but the interxtuality comes from the need of a film to be released to therefore carry out an online review on it.
Baudrillards theory of Simulacra refers to online reviews in the perspective that we read what's written about the film, before we see it and therefore affecting our thoughts and opinions on the film. So the review of a film becomes our basis and even though we may not solemly agree with it, our mind is then made up based on what we'eve read about the film.

Film reviews can be reliable to an extent, but they are mostly opinions and could be misleading. We would go see a film based on the review, if they left you curious in terms of the plot and the storyline seemed interesting.

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