Friday 11 March 2011

Convergence - Henry Jenkins

Can you explain the concept of media convergence?
That we carry media with us everywhere, there is a constant demand for being able to access media forms easier and regularly

You argue that convergence is a cultural rather than a technological process?
Technology is all about making it easier for people to achieve and access things they like to do. It amplifies the terms of a culture, its more about how you

What do you mean by the term Participatory Culture and how it will affect the way we learn, communicate and do business?
Sharing with each other is satisfactory, people want to connect with each other and involve other in what they do

Can you address the issue of collective intelligence and its role in media, culture and business?
network society - know one knows every but everybody knows something. When we share knowledge it polishes our accuracy and it broadens our access to knowledge. It is collective intelligence that means we can achieve better quality data (e.g. wikipedia). The procedure is adequate because its in the process of being built.

Are we entering an era when media will be integrated in all aspects of our lives?
We're tethered to media, we interpret media in most aspects of our lives. It's a level of passity and processing media. Media will continue to grow with layers of annotation of information. The future generation will only continue to increase accessibility to media

Henry Jenkins Interview - Questions and Answers

Can you explain the concept of media convergence?
In the media the information system is converged and integrated, and we carry media throughout the system. This is shaped by the integrated media industry and the customers that use it.

You argue that convergence is a cultural rather than a technological process?
cultural change and development is way ahead of technological advances. By watching customers' difficulties with technology you can predict future advances. Culture proceeds technology.

What do you mean by the term "participatory culture" and how will it affect the way we learn, communicate and do business?
Participatory culture is the sharing of ideas and mass media. The Obama election campaign escalated because of the hype around it and Obama was seen as more of a celebrity, rather than a political leader. We are effected by this culture because influences by the mass and other changes our perception.

Can you address the issue of collective intelligence and its role in media culture and business?
In a network society, everybody does not know everything, but we all know something. Expertise comes from individuals and is built upon by others. collective intelligence is a network of deliberation, sharing of knowledge and ideas, and challenging them. It is a mass achievment. Collective intelligence proves better than individuality, Wikipedia is an example of this.

Are we entering an Era when media will be integrated in all aspects of our lives? 
Yes it is, it is hard to think of a place without media present. We are tethered to media. In the future we will be increasingly open to media in our lives and it will effect us inevitably. 

Henry Jenkins - Media Convergence

Can you explain the concept of media convergence?
- the information system is converged
- shaped by the integration of the media industry - same company owns interest in all media platforms
- shaped by teenagers wanting the media when and where they want it

You argue that convergence is a cultural rather than a technological process?
- social and cultural change precedes and races ahead of technological change
- if consumers view media over "enormous" difficulties then we can predict much more precisely the technical needs that are going to occur
- technology amplifies the trends of the culture

What do you mean by the term "participatory culture" and how will it affect the way we learn, communicate and do business?
- everyone is potentially a producer of media as well as a consumer.
- people have struggled with sharing their ideas with each other because of geographical distance
- success of the Obama campaign was based on participatory culture

Can you address the issue of collective intelligence and its role in media, culture and business?
- collective intelligence came from Pierre Lévy
- whatever a member knows the network knows

Pierre Lévy

Convergence - Henry Jenkins

Can you explain the concept of media convergence?
That we carry media around with us all the time and everywhere we go. Media forms are easily accessible and the demand is at an all time high.

You argue that convergence is a cultural rather than a technological process?
Technology is all about making it easier for people to achieve and access things they like to do. It amplifies the terms of a culture, its more about how you

What do you mean by the term Participatory Culture and how it will affect the way we learn, communicate and do business?
Sharing with each other has become a common way of life via the internet. User submitted content has broadened peoples intelligence on different subjects and allows for information to publicly shared.

Henry Jenkins

Short interview
Henry Jenkins

Can you explain the concept of media convergence?
Henry Jenkins believed that media is being shaped by the public eg by teenagers and what they want to see and do.

You argue that convergence is a cultural rather than a technological process?
If we saw what companies were doing we would be able to predict more for the future and know what the public would want. Cultural races are ahead of  the technological process.

What do you mean by the term participatory culture, and how will it affect the way we learn, communicate and do business?
Everyone is a producer not just a consumer. In the 19th century there was a toy printing process that was circulating all over. The same impulse is now being used when teens update their facebook profile and create new things.

Can you address the issues of collective intelligence and its role in media, culture and business? 
There are an enormous amount of skills and expertise in the network. There is quality data on Wikipedia however we need to make sure it is accurate, /there is a lot to learn to function as a system but we still don't know what the system is.

Are we entering an era when media will be integrated in all aspects of our lives?
Media is everywhere. It is being pumped at us everywhere and by everyone. It is happening 24/7 even when we are doing other tasks. This is a new generation and the old generations are being left behind.

Monday 7 March 2011

How online media has changed consumer behaviour and audience response over time?

Web 1.0 and 2.0 
As media such as the internet has advanced, we have consumed a lot more with recent developments that are very easily accessible. We may be a lot more influenced by the media because of these advances and our identity, especially youths in the future will be shaped and moulded by the media because of the great abundance of it. 
Passive and Active Consumption
We believe that society are consuming a lot more passively than actively these day because media is now everywhere and we consume it without realising. it can shape our behaviour unknowingly. Advertising is very powerful and can effect us in many ways influencing are behaviour in the market and in life.

As international trade borders come down, it means that consumers gain access to a much wider range of media to consume. For example, it is now easy to retrieve media from foreign countries, such as films. This theme can also be related to the Web 2.0 revolution as technological covergence has meant that people interact differently with each other. Consumers may now by a product for the pure fact that they can interact socially with their peers on sites such as Facebook or Twitter.  Also, services such as msn or skype have meant that consumers may buy add on extras in order to speak to relatives over a wide distance, in other countries for example.

Democratisation of the Media
This enables the public to have a access to a wider range of information sources, to produce and distribute their own media in greater numbers, and to have greater autonomy. With the emergence of sites such as YouTube, it is now realtively easy for consumers to broadcast and watch other consumers videos and may set up a YouTube account for the pure fact of being able to watch videos. iTunes is now also available for entrepreneurs to pioneer their own music.

How media forms have changed consumer behaviour over time?

Web 1.0/2.0
The introduction of web 2.0 saw a new era of easily accessible media across the globe. Instead of set regular times for television shows consumers are able to chose when and where they watch their television and are not constricted by time.

Passive and active consumption 
Over time the development of media forms means that people have a more casual approach to the consumption of media, with the constant consumption of tv it means that people now consider the media as part of their social lives.Therefore people interpret media ideologies a lot more based on their individual cultural background and life experiences.

globalization refers to the global access to information and television which results in a much larger target audience. This also means more information is available to more people which means that more channels are accessed including niche channels.

Democratisation of the media
Democratisation of the media means more people are able to access free information and thus create channels. This results in a plethora of choice for consumers being able to access more and more niche channels.

Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuhan charted the way that the media have shaped how we receive and understand information in the three steps. These include tribal era, Guternberg age and electronic age of retribalised man. He suggested that information is individual rather than shared.

how online media has changed consumer behaviour and audience response over time.


The way we consume tv has changed drastically over the past years.
The democratisation of media is part of web 2.0 which means anybody can use any type of media. It is also alot easier to access - a new era of online media.

web 1.0 was newspapers and tv and this alone has restricted viewings for consumers. you could only have what was presented to you and you had no choice in the matter therefore we had no comparisons. Web 2.0 is contemporary media and this is alot to do with internet. This has made some media forms alot more accessible. giving us more choice and variety of what we want. This is made more accessible with programs such as bbc i player , itv player, 4od etc. these websites contain catchup programmes, series' of all programmes shown and can allow us to pick and choose what we would like to watch. This also allowed us to produce and distribute our own media in greater numbers and have greater autonomy.

Tv democratisation is a massive change in the world of media. Things such as Sky, sky plus, sky hd, virgin media, ntl etc. have emerged giving us much more freedom just from our television in our homes. You can access libraries of programmes and stop pause rewind etc. You can record something on your televison if you miss it without using any sort of disc or tape. Online tv is increasingly popular due to its free and easy access you can make choices. this is also media convergence the way that tv has converged with certain channels advertising advertising their online content.

The Uses and gratifications theory states that the audience is not passive and easily effected by the media text. Suggesting the audience is Naive and gullable to the ideologies shown in certain media texts and taking these and using them in their collective identitys. Back to the uses and gratifications theory, it states that the audience is not passive, but an active audience, being able to see through what the text is representing and assessing the situation represented in the text ourselves , not always agreeiing with the media. For example on television when we see programs such as skins we do not immediately think somethings a good idea because they do.  We will look at their choices and learn from them maybe, or maybe not , depending on  the individual.

Chris Andersons 'The Long Tail Theory'. Has shed light on the niches and the internet has changed this subject alot allowing us to have more access to less popular niche programmes/channels. There are many online channels and libraries of such media where you can find such specialised products that you can find exactly what you want down to animals, wild animals, vets, weddings, brides, reality tv, game shows, whatever you could possibly want you could find and more and more people are realising this making niche products more popular. Whereas channels such as bbc1 get millions of views niche channels collaborated together generate a similar amount of views.

How has online media changed consumer behaviour and audience response over time?

Online Media has changed consumer behaviour by giving an audience a wide choice of products to consume. An example includes the large amount of television available through sponsoredsites, eg BBC iplayer or 4OD. The constant change happening in the internet also alters audeince expectations of how the media is delivered to them. For example, bbc iplayer has no advertisements while 4OD does, and this alters the popularity of these sites since audiences expect constant improvement.

The change in media consumption from the web 1.0 model to the web 2.0 model has also greatly altered the nature of an audiences media consumption. For example, in the web 1.0 model audiences were generally passive in their consumption while in the web 2.0 model, audiences choose which media they consume depending upon personal prefereance. This creates audience expectations, since it is generally accepted that one can consume any type of media one wishes to.