Monday 7 March 2011

How media forms have changed consumer behaviour over time?

Web 1.0/2.0
The introduction of web 2.0 saw a new era of easily accessible media across the globe. Instead of set regular times for television shows consumers are able to chose when and where they watch their television and are not constricted by time.

Passive and active consumption 
Over time the development of media forms means that people have a more casual approach to the consumption of media, with the constant consumption of tv it means that people now consider the media as part of their social lives.Therefore people interpret media ideologies a lot more based on their individual cultural background and life experiences.

globalization refers to the global access to information and television which results in a much larger target audience. This also means more information is available to more people which means that more channels are accessed including niche channels.

Democratisation of the media
Democratisation of the media means more people are able to access free information and thus create channels. This results in a plethora of choice for consumers being able to access more and more niche channels.

Marshall McLuhan
Marshall McLuhan charted the way that the media have shaped how we receive and understand information in the three steps. These include tribal era, Guternberg age and electronic age of retribalised man. He suggested that information is individual rather than shared.

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