Monday 7 February 2011

'We Think'

Charles Leadbeater is the author of the book 'We think'

On Charles' site the headline says

Welcome to We-think: mass innovation, not mass production

We think is about how the web is changing all the time and its effecting and changing other things in our world it has become more accessible. The website states 'Ideas take life when they are shared'. The site talks about how the internet creates tools for creating and innovation. The website also states that the web should be good for democracy by giving more people a voice and the ability to organise themselves. Basically stating that the internet opens up oppurtunities for people who would nor perhaps have the chance to let themselves be known without the internet. It also describes the internet as almost an endless book a search engine for every subject you could think of and information in which you can take in and learn about all sorts of subjects, places, jobs, people, useful information about opening times rules regulations, laws, applications, how to's/tutorials release dates videos and previews etc.
They also talk about the negative parts of the internet such as lack of privacy, things such as blogs and people being heard can create arguments and frequent disagreements.

Everywhere we turn there will be struggles between people who want to freely share - music, films, ideas, information - and those who want to control this activity, either corporations who want to make money or governments who fear debate and democracy. This conflict between the rising surge of mass collaboration and attempts to retain top down control will be one of the defining battles of our time, from Communist China, to Microsoft's battle with open source and the music industry's desperate rearguard action against the web.

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